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Earnings and prices in the gold-fields and in the mountains


Saloon keepers came first. Bartenders reported a profit of $7.000 on every barrel of whiskey sold.

The ladies of the gold field came next.

Then came the merchats.

A man working with just à pan could wash from $10 to $50 of gold per day - during a lucky streak.

Laundery of 1 shirt = $1

Wages in four companies A trader like Pierre Papin got $1450 / year
A clerk about $300 / year
A camp keeper $150 / year


A slice of bread $1
A slice of bread with butter $2
A pound of butter $6
A shovel $50
A wool shirt $50
A pound of potatoes $3

Prices around 1825 (Rendezvous prices)

One pound of coffee $1.50
One pound of sugar $1.50
One pound of tobacco $3
One pound of powder $2
One dozen of fish hooks $1.50
One dozen of flints $1
Scissors $2 each
Knifes $2.50 each
One yard of blue cloth $5
One yard of scarlet $6
One pound of lead $1.50
One pound of gun powder $2.50
3 point blankets $9
One dozen of buttons $1.50
One pound of beaver skins from $1.50 to $3
Each otter skins $2

Prices the fur companies charged to everybody even if you belonged to the company

Wiping sticks $1.50
Shaving soap $1.50
A pint of rum $3
A cup of coffee $2
Shewing a horse $5
One wilson knife $1.50
A pair of spurs $6
2 1/2 point blanket $12
A mocassin awl $1.50
One yard of red ribbon $1
One tin pan $2
A dozen finger rings $2
One handkershief $1
Prices around 1833 (in the mountains)

Furs from $2 (company man) to $5 (free trappers) per lb.
Shot guns $4
Rifles $10
Horses $20 to $25
A pint of meal from 50c to $1
A pint of coffee beans, cocoa beans or sugar $2 each
A pint of diluted alcohol (no other lspirituous liquor to be had) $4
A piece of chewing tobacco from $1 to $2

Prices around 1842 (smaler trade houses)

Tobacco $1.50
Knife $1.50
A pint of sugar $2
Pipes $1 each
3 point blankets $7